VeeamON 2024 Recap

This year I was fortunate enough to attend the VeeamON 2024 conference in person which was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The event itself was held at The Diplomat Beach Resort which was amazing venue. The hotel and conference facilities were excellent and with its beach front location, it was possible to get outside and... Continue Reading →

Veeam 12.1 Announcement!

Veeam recently held their bi-annual VeeamOn event which this year was called the Resiliency Summit. The event was heavily security focused and includes new features coming to the Veeam Data Platform. It looks like Veeam have changed from the naming convention for "minor" product releases with this version being 12.1 rather than the expected 12a.... Continue Reading →

Identifying Bottlenecks

We all know too well that nothing in the world of IT works 100% of the time. Issues are inevitable and troubleshooting is a key part of any hands on role in the industry. One of the more common tasks when fault finding is identifying performance issues in the form of a bottlenecks, especially when... Continue Reading →

V12 UI Change

Today I came across a change to the UI in Veeam V12 which I think is worth mentioning and could catch you out. If you have ever had the need to remove backup data from the Backup & Replication configuration database but want to keep the backup files intact, you might be familiar with the... Continue Reading →

Veeam Backup Server Large VID Folder

For the past week the system drive on one of the backup servers I manage was gradually filling up as each day progressed. This behaviour was unexpected since things had been stable and the Veeam logs are configured to write to a different volume. After some investigation, I found a number folders relating to Veeam... Continue Reading →

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