VeeamON 2024 Recap

This year I was fortunate enough to attend the VeeamON 2024 conference in person which was held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The event itself was held at The Diplomat Beach Resort which was amazing venue. The hotel and conference facilities were excellent and with its beach front location, it was possible to get outside and soak up some sun too!

While this wasn’t my first VeeamON, it was my first as a Vanguard. During the trip it was great to meet some of the Veeam 100 community who were in attendance. It cannot be underestimated how invaluable networking opportunities are at an event like this – not just within the Veeam community but with people across the globe.

Day 1

After completing registration and collecting my conference badge, I was able to attend an exclusive set of Partner based sessions which were focused around Veeam’s ProPartner Network. I found these sessions to be very informative and they set the scene for what was to come in the days ahead.

Day 2

This is the day the conference really gets going for most, starting with the Opening Keynote session where CEO Anand Eswaran was joined by an array of speakers to share what’s coming, including updates across the various Veeam products.

One of the highlights of the session was confirmation that Veeam Backup & Replication will run on a Linux OS in V13 which is scheduled to release sometime next year. This teaser was a big hit within the room and has the potential to unlock many possibilities since the VBR is the only major component that currently requires a Windows OS.

The remainder of the day was comprised of a variety of breakout sessions covering a wide range of topics for both technical and non-technical attendees. I tried to attend sessions which were relevant to me but there were some which I missed out on due to some timetable clashes – I guess it goes to show the amount of great content that’s available to you when you attend in person.

In the evening I was invited to a dinner event hosted by the APJ Veeam team at a Prime Steak restaurant. The food was delicious and it was a great to meet with other partners across the wider region.

Day 3

The last day of the conference kicked off with the Technical Keynote. This is always a popular session which included live demos of the latest announcements across Veeam’s products. This year there were no less than 6 demos which included:

  • Proxmox VE hypervisor support for VBR
  • MongoDB support for VBR
  • Salesforce V3 data archiving
  • Microsoft Entra ID support (formally Microsoft Azure Active Directory) for VBR
  • Backup for Microsoft 365 V8 proxy pools
  • Veeam ONE new UI, AI Assistant

As these new features are released in the coming months I’ll look to cover some of them specifically in future blog posts.

The agenda for the remainder of the day included more breakout sessions which again, I found insightful and worthwhile.

The last act of VeeamON is of course the legendary party. This years theme was left vs. right brain where a pre-event quiz could be taken to find out which you are.

Wrap Up

This was my second VeeamON experience in person and I must say it didn’t disappoint! It is a great opportunity to learn not just about the Veeam ecosystem, but to also gain an insight into their partners and wider technologies as a whole. There really is something for everyone and I would definitely recommend attending given the chance.

Finally I’d like to give a special mention to the ANZ Veeam team that hosted the regional Partners and Vanguards throughout VeeamON. It was great to share the experience with some great company.

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